The answer might surprise you!
As it turns out, babies as young as 6 months can start differentiating between sounds in multiple languages. In a wildly watched TED talk, Patricia Kuhl explores what she calls the “linguistic genius of babies.” According to her research, not only can babies differentiate between languages, the practice is actually incredibly beneficial to their development.
Children are like sponges; built to constantly absorb new information. Their brains are focused on the basics of language acquisition and social-emotional learning and not cluttered by abstract thinking and concerns. This mean that your three year old’s ability to take in and learn a second language actually far surpasses yours! In fact, repeated studies have shown that this window of learning actually begins to close around age 11. At that point, it becomes much more difficult to pick up additional languages.
Consider your own memory. Sure, you likely find yourself struggling to remember the name of the neighbor you met last week but we’re willing to wager you can quickly recall the lyrics to your favorite song. A young child’s brain operates in much the same way, only faster. By presenting a new language through lessons based in songs, rhymes, and melodies; children quickly grasp the basics of almost any language that’s presented to them.
But, why? Why sign up for language classes for toddlers and kids? Assuming you don’t live in a bilingual household, you might be wondering whether the additional instruction and extra work on your part is worth it. The answer is a resounding yes!
Research repeatedly shows that bilingual children learn faster, demonstrate improved problem solving abilities in all areas of life, enjoy higher rates of creativity, and have exponentially more career opportunities later in life. More and more, we live and work in a global economy. Preparing your kids for success in the world of today and the future means preparing them to communicate and interact with those who don’t speak their native language. Additionally, children who are exposed to a second language early in life develop into more open-minded and tolerant adults.
All the research aside, language lessons are simply fun for young kids!
Wondering how to get started? Sign up for two free Skype lessons to get a feel for the instruction and experience. If it’s working for you and your kids, we invite you to continue on with our experienced staff of instructors.