If my child hasn’t learned to speak English; how can I possibly expect them to tackle Spanish, French, or Italian as well?
It’s a question we hear over and over again from parents. The idea of teaching toddlers a second language was almost laughable as recently as thirty years ago. Parents and educators alike believed that exposing kids to a second language before they’ve mastered their native tongue would result in language confusion, speech delays, and lasting cognitive deficits.
All that changed as researchers learned more about the science behind language development and began to paint a different picture — one that positioned two and three year olds as uniquely equipped to learn multiple languages. Time and time again, the research showed that the earlier a child learns a second language, the more likely they are to achieve native like proficiency.
In fact, going beyond suggesting that it’s possible — it’s shockingly beneficial. Unconvinced?
- Cornell University calls teaching young kids a second language “good childhood mind medicine.”
- Harvard University has stated that “the creativity, critical thinking skills, and flexibility of the mind are significantly enhanced if children learn a second language.”
- The Cornell Language Acquisition Lab (CLAL) reports that “children who learn a second language can maintain attention despite outside stimuli better than children who know only one language.”
As one of the pioneers of language education for kids, Francois Thibaut recognized that not only could young kids learn a second language but that by doing so, they were building the foundations of learning behaviors and attitudes that would spell success for the rest of their academic careers.
Thibaut understood that language programs for toddlers were less about teaching a child a language and more about teaching a child’s brain how to learn. Seeing this, he collaborated with researchers to develop new instructional techniques that speak directly to how young kids learn best. And, hence, the Language Workshop for Children was born and within just a couple of years had won international acclaim.
As one of the LWFC’s most popular programs, the school’s Twos Program had parents across the tri-state area marveling at how much fun their kids were having, how much they seemed to grasp what was being said, and how beneficial they found the classes and playgroups to be.
Now, for the first time ever, our Twos Program is virtual. Your littlest learners are invited to join our team of uniquely talented teachers for 10 minute virtual lessons centered around singing, dancing, moving, and laughing.
With our youngest learners, the focus is on fun engagement that introduces a second language, builds positive associations with languages and learning, and encourages their developing brains to recognize different sounds and words.
Contact us to learn more and start paving the path of academic success for your child.
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